Friday, April 13, 2012

Smilarites, Differences, and Judgments

Ciao amici! Per favore let me know your thoughts! 
                                                  xoxo Carlotta


  1. Dear Ms. Carlotta Grisi,

    What a pleasure it has been reading about such an admirable artist as yourself. It might interest you that we do have some things that are quite similar. For example, my darling brother and my two sweet sisters were in acting with me. I do believe you mentioned you toured with your sister, that's absolutely splendid! I know I loved being with my siblings while doing something I loved so dearly. Also, you and I both had mentors that greatly influenced our work. Your's was Mr. Jules Perrot, and mine was my darling David.

    However, you and I do differ slightly. For instance, my mentor and I were not in love, he means the world to me but we are not in love. Also my mentor and I had no sort of strained relationship that ended in parting ways, so my deepest apologies. There are other differences, like you being Italian and myself being British. Also, you've travelled to places like Paris, which is absolutely astounding to me. I believe that's marvalous your talent has carried you to such opportunities.Our arts are different as well, your art expresses itself through beautiful movement and mine expresses itself through powerful use of words.

    I truly admire your work and I wish I had gotten the opportunity to see you perform before you retired. I believe going to school in Milan is quite the accomplishment to be proud of. I'm sure your performance of Giselle was simply to die for, and your passion for your art is truly wonderful. It's been a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope to hear from you soon.


  2. Mrs. Grisi! You are such a beautiful girl.

    Some differences that we have is that you are a dancer and I am an actress. You were also a huge success as a dancer and I did no make it far as an actress, mostly in my writing. You are Italian, I am British. We both also started working at different ages. You started performing very young and I started in my early adulthood.
    But we do actually have some things in common like, we both married men who work in our profession and have helped us grow in the field.

    I wish i could have been around to see Giselle but I'm sure you were just lovely in it.

  3. Hello Miss.Grisi it has been a pleasure reading about you. Like you starting touring with your sister at the age of 14 I started playing my music after my father pasted away when I was 14. I started my music in Masssachusetts and you started your dance in Italy, like Mr.Taglioni. Also unlike you being born upper class when I was a child I was poor and uneducated. Your family was your inspiration and that is wonderful to follow in their foot steps. Hope to her more about you.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings

  4. Bonjour Mademoiselle Carlotta, if I may call you that.

    It has been a pleasure learning about you. I have noticed that we have a few things in common. Music is a very big contribution to both of our fantastique artistic lives. You dance to it and I create it! Also I though that it was very interesting that you also have a good singing voice and that your family is made up of some opera singers. They have probably sung to my operas! How amazing is that?

    Like every artist in the world, we do havve our differences. I live to create music where as you live to create beautiful emotion by using dance. I really am clueless when it comes to dancing. Unlike you, my family started off poor so it was harder to get started as a musical artist...but I didn't let that stop moi!

    It is amazing that you have two talents, and that you have a strong passion for dance.

    - Etienne

  5. Buon giorno, come stai? Signorina Grisi. First of all I want to take the time to tell you how much I enjoyed reading about your story. I think we are very similar; we are both Italian dancers who tasted dance in different places around Europe. I am the father of the Romantic ballet and you had the pleasure of dancing in one of the great Romantic ballets, not choreographed by me but still good (laughs), which is Giselle. In that sense I believe we are very similar artists. We enjoy dancing better than anything else, I mean you chose it over singing even when your whole family was into it and you had natural talents for it, that has to mean something huge or am I wrong?
    Having to think of a difference is kind of hard, but maybe just the fact that I am a big old choreographer and you are a delicate young dancer might qualify as a difference. Also both of our families were involved in the arts but as opposed to your opera singing family, my family was a family of dancers so I never had problem with joining the family business. Even so I have to tell you my wife is daughter of a famous Swedish opera singer so I probably know what you are talking about here. But anyways is great to hear of another dancer from my era, but I would lie if I told you I didn’t hear of you before. I very much admire your work and you kind of remind of my daughter Marie (laughs).

    -Filippo Taglioni

  6. We have very few similarities but the differences are numerous.
    We both had some fantastic mentors that gave us a boost in the arts industry. We started to work torwads our arts at a pretty young age. Also we are both Italian!
    Differences between us; I was not in love my mentor like you and yours. My mentor was a man and that would be wrong on so many levels. Oviously you are a dancer and i am a play-write/ author so our arts are different but i must admit we are both fantastic at them.
    I think you are wonderful at what you do and i would love to see more. Pleasure commenting on your post. Ciao!

  7. Hello Ms. Grisi. I am Anne Lange. I loved reading about you and you accomplishments. While I was reading, I realized that we were both similar and different.
    To start with the similarities, we were both born in Italy. Also, our family had some kind of effect on our art. We also both had many large accomplishments. Of course, yours were in dance while mine were in acting. One other similarity is that we both started at a young age.
    Now with the differences. From what I can tell, you stayed in Italy, for the most part, and I moved to France for acting. Also, your whole family were opera singers while I had no siblings, and my parents were actors. One other major difference is that I really had no mentor. I had people who helped me but I didnt have anyone like Jules was to you.
    Well that is all. I have had a plesure learning about you.


  8. Ms.Grisi,

    You blog is very interesting and I enjoyed learning about you and your art. I couldn't really find any similarities but we have many differences. For similarities we both lived and worked in an interesting era.

    For differences we live in different countries, I live in England and you live in Italy. Your family influenced your career and you family also danced with you. My family wasn't involved in what I do. You were brought up in the arts while I had to find it on my own.

    You seem like a very nice lady and I hope to hear from you soon.
